

How do I contact Agel?

How long has Agel been in business?

Agel Enterprises, LLC was incorporated in March of 2005. The first products shipped in May, 2005.

Who are the Agel Management Team?

Founder and CEO, Glen Jensen
President, Craig Bradley
Chief Marketing Officer, Deon Lewis
Chief Operations Officer, Darren Jensen
Vice President of Global Sales, Jeff Higginson

What countries does Agel do business in?

As of January 1, 2007 Agel is doing business in the United States, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

Is there an age requirement to become an Agel team member?

You must be at least 18 years of age to participate as an Agel Team Member.


Что такое технология гелевых суспензий?

Suspension Gel Technology uses a state-of-the-art science to put nutrition in a state of suspension in a gel.

Каковы преимущества технологии гелевых суспензий?

There are two key factors that influence the efficacy of any nutritional supplement: the timing of the ingestion, and the bioavailability of the nutrients. The convenience of the portable gel pack delivery system that Agel uses allows first for the proper timing of ingestion to correctly correspond with meals, which in turn enhances the overall absorption and use of the nutrient. And second, the Gel Technology forces the critical nutrients to remain suspended in gel, thus optimizing the bioavailability of those nutrients when ingested. Traditional supplements found in pills and capsules do not always fully absorb in the digestive track, allowing a portion of the critical nutrients to travel through the digestive track without ever interacting with the lining of the stomach or intestines.

How are the nutrients in Agel products absorbed?

Ingredients in each of the products contain nutrients that have specific (although widely different) methods of absorption along the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. For most of these nutrients, the primary location is in the small intestines. By suspending nutrients in a gel, all of the nutrients are readily available to be digested and absorbed in the GI tract.

Where can I find additional research and product information?

All current product information can be found in the Products section Agel Website at We encourage you to do your own research.

Agel FIT

FIT compliments your weight control program, along with eating right and exercising. That's because it contains a patented natural ingredient that prevents your body from storing unused carbohydrates and, when used before eating, inhibits fat production. It can also reduce your desire to eat when you're not hungry. Learn more

Agel MIN

MIN содержит ежедневную дозу всех необходимых витаминов и минералов в правильной пропорции. Гелевая форма и приятный вкус облегчают прием и усвоение препарата, а удобная упаковка позволяет брать его с собой в дорогу. MIN just might make the vitamin pill extinct. Learn more

Agel EXO

EXO is a unique blend of exotic fruits and plant extracts- seabuckthorn, noni, mangosteen, and aai, to name a few. Each is good for you, but they're even better together, since a wide variety of natural nutritive sources is the way to fully meet your nutritional needs. Learn more

Agel OHM

Agel OHM is a wonderful tasting blend of energy-creating herbs, Taurine, D-Ribose, and complex B vitamins. Its purpose is to convert a healthy diet into usable and sustained energy and to sustain a healthy lifestyle. Learn more

Agel UMI

UMI contains Fucoidan, perhaps the most exciting nutritional discovery in the last decade. There are many potential health benefits from Fucoidan, which is found in seaweed, a plant long associated with good health. Learn more

Are Agel products Halal Certified?

No. Not all Agel products have been Halal Certified by the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA). Currently EXO, MIN, UMI, OHM and FIT are Halal certified: PRO and FLX are not. Download the Agel Halal certificate.

Are Agel products Kosher Certified?

No. Not all Agel products have been Kosher Certified by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (Orthodox Union). Agel is in the process of obtaining additional Kosher certifications in Israel. Currently EXO, MIN, UMI, OHM and FIT are Kosher Certified; PRO and FLX are not. Download the Agel Kosher certificate.

Are artificial colors used in the formulation of the gels?

No. The color in the gels is a result of the natural color of the ingredients.

Should pregnant woman use Agel products?

There are some ingredients in Agel EXO that have been listed in some texts as not appropriate for pregnant women. Consequently, we recommend that pregnant women not consume EXO. If you are pregnant, prior to taking any vitamin, herbs, supplements, or over-the-counter medications, we recommend that you consult with your physician.

Can women take Agel products while breast-feeding?

We recommend that you review the ingredients in these products with your physician prior to using them while breast-feeding.

Should children use Agel MIN?

As a point of reference, the American Academy of Pediatrics does not endorse vitamin supplementation in children under the age of 16, except for specific groups with chronic illnesses. Furthermore, the mineral needs of children are unclear.

Agel MIN contains 100 percent of the RDI of the essential vitamins and selected essential minerals for adults. Most children's vitamins currently on the market contain about the same amount of vitamins as Agel MIN, without the minerals. If you elect to use Agel MIN for your children, the preparation does not contain enough of the vitamins or minerals to be considered dangerous; however, an entire pack of Agel MIN is probably more than necessary. We recommend consulting with your pediatrician about appropriate dosing of the vitamins and minerals for your children.

Should children use Agel FIT?

We recommend consulting with your pediatrician about appropriate food supplementation and weight management regimens for children. As a general rule, we do not recommend diet aids for children, and we therefore do not recommend using Agel FIT in the pediatric population. We do advocate healthy eating habits and plenty of physical activity as a means for children to manage weight. To initiate an early habit of dependence on dieting aids in childhood may be sending the wrong message.

Can I take all four Agel products in the same day?

We recommend that you consult with your physician before consuming multiple Agel products on the same day.

Are Agel products "All Natural?"

All of the ingredients in the Agel products come from natural sources except the preservative Sodium Benzoate and the synthetic Taurine found in OHM. Synthetic Taurine is preferred over natural Taurine because natural Taurine is derived from bile. In order to be sensitive to all Agel team members' varying religious beliefs, the synthetic source was chosen.

Are there any drug interactions related to any of the Agel products?

We are only aware of two potential drug interaction concerns. They involve anyone taking medications that increase serotonin levels. In particular, medications in the category of SSRI's (Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors) are of concern. We strongly advise consultation with your physician prior to using Agel FIT or OHM if you are taking these medications. In Agel OHM, panax ginseng is one of the active ingredients and may cause increased serotonin levels in the brain. Agel FIT has Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) as its primary active ingredient. HCA has been shown to be effective in part by its ability to reduce appetite by increasing brain serotonin levels. In general, for individuals taking medications that increase brain serotonin, there is a theoretical risk of serotonin syndrome.


What is my ID number and password?

All new Team Members are assigned an ID number and user password when they enroll. If you have forgotten your Team Member ID number or user password, contact Agel's Customer Service department at 866-599-AGEL. After verifying your information your ID number and password will be resent to your email address.

What do I get when I sign up at the executive level for $1,000?

Sixteen boxes of product
40 product line brochures
20 compensation plan brochures
10 magazines

What do I get when I sign up for the personal pack for $250?

Four boxes of product
20 product line brochures
10 compensation plan brochures
1 Magazine

What do I get for the $35 registration fee?

План развития бизнеса с компанией Agel. The Roadmap is a tool that outlines the process you should follow as you build your Agel business.

What payment methods does Agel accept?

Agel accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and JCB. We do not accept personal checks of any kind. Money orders and cashier checks are fine.

When will my credit card be charged?

Your credit card will be charged when you complete the sign up process and submit your order.

Why is my social security number required at enrollment?

This information is required for tax and social security validation purposes. Team members may use a Tax ID# for a business name if desired. Team members that are not citizens of the United States are required to use the country identification number associated with the country that they are from.

How can I place a product order on my own?

1. Go to (no www needed)
2. Enter the password/I.D. you chose when you registered
3. Click on button that says "Place an Order"
4. Choose the products you want


How do I cancel my membership?

A Team Member may terminate their contract at any time, and for any reason, by sending written notice of intent to terminate to the company. Termination becomes effective as of the date the company receives written notice of termination.


What do I need to know about shipping to Canada?

Agel will ship product anywhere in Canada if the recipient agrees to the following standard POA authorization:

By ordering goods from Agel, I hereby authorize a licensed Canadian customs broker chosen by Agel to act as my agent, and to transact business with Canada Customs Revenue Agency (CCRA) to clear my merchandise, account for applicable duties and taxes, to return merchandise to Agel and prepare and submit refund claims on my behalf for any merchandise that I return. I understand that CCRA will send any refund of duties and taxes that were paid on the returned merchandise to the broker, and that I will obtain the refund directly from Agel. In this connection, I also authorize the customs broker to endorse any refund check issued by CCRA in my name, so that Agel can be reimbursed. I also waive my need for any receipt of this transaction which may include classification of goods, transaction number, and a breakdown of duties and taxes.


Where can I find the Agel Pay Plan online?

The Agel Compensation Plan can be found in the Opportunity section of the website. It can also be found on the resources page of the Agel backoffice.

When will I be paid?

Team Members who earn a commission during a given month will be paid for that month on the 15th day of the following month.

Why do I have to wait until the 15th?

The Agel Accounting Department follows very reliable and detailed systems to process and clear credit cards, make sure products are actually shipped and received as reported, and accurately calculate commissions for all of our markets.

How do I get paid?

We encourage all Team Members to sign up for direct deposit via ACH in their Agel back office. If a team member chooses not to set up direct deposit Agel will cut paper checks for those individuals and mail them to the appropriate address. If you live in a foreign market, direct deposit through ACH is not an option.

Web Policies

As a Team Member, may I use Agel in my website domain name, or e-mail address?

No. For more information, consult the Agel Policies and Procedures document.

Can I design my own website?

Yes, as long as the Agel name is not in the URL, the Agel logo or product photography is not on any page of the site and Agel products are sold per company Policies and Procedures. You may want to look into using the self-replicating websites Agel provides to Team Members at a nominal fee.

Advertising and Promotion

Agel encourages marketing products in a network marketing format. Advertising is allowed however, the use of corporate intellectual property such as product photography or logos is prohibited. See Policies and Procedures, and the Advertising Compliance Guide.


What is "autoship" and is it mandatory?

Autoship allows team members to have product automatically shipped to them each month and their credit cards are charged accordingly. Autoship eliminates the hassle of ordering each month so that team members can remain eligible to participate in the Agel pay plan. Autoships are sent out on the 1st, 5th, 10th, 20th, and 25th of each month. Team members can choose one of those dates for their autoship and designate the products that are included in that monthly order. The order can be changed any time prior to the shipment date. Autoship is an optional service provided by Agel.

Is autoship the same as Auto Order?

Yes. In some countries autoship is also known as Automatic Order or APO.

Is there a penalty if I cancel or modify my autoship?

No. You can cancel or change your autoship at any time; however, if you enrolled at the Executive Level, you must order at least two boxes of product every month to remain eligible to participate in the Executive Bonus portion of the Agel Pay Plan.